Workshop: Working while receiving SSI/SSDI
10:00am - 12:00pm
Positive Resource Center
Please RSVP: Call Vaughn at (415) 972-0874
This workshop is for people who receive SSI or SSDI and plan to return to work. In this workshop you will learn:
(1) Social Security’s return to work rules for SSI and SSDI,
(2) how and when to notify the Social Security Administration about your earnings, and
(3) what to do if you end up with an overpayment.
The presentation will also cover work rules for people who receive private long-term disability insurance benefits. In addition you will have access to staff attorneys at the AIDS Legal Referral Panel if you have questions. Presentation to be followed by Q&A and individual consultations with ALRP Staff Attorney Amy Orgain and PRC Managing Legal Director, Andy Chu.
Co-Presented by ALRP and PRC. Food and Drinks provided.
NOTE: Repeat sessions of this training is offered on the last Friday of every month.
About Positive Resource Center
For over 25 years, PRC’s Benefits Counseling Program has provided benefits advocacy and direct legal representation to San Francisco residents in response to the need for economic justice and health access.
PRC is committed to providing comprehensive, specialized, culturally competent, free legal benefits representation within a harm reduction and client-centered context to people living with HIV/AIDS or mental health issues.
ADA Accessible. Funded by The San Francisco Dept. of Public Health and Ryan White Care Act.
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