make a planned gift
LEAVING A LEGACY is an appealing concept. HIV/AIDS will unfortunately affect our community for some years to come. Until there is a cure, people with HIV/AIDS will face unscrupulous insurance companies, heartless landlords, employment discrimination, and the threat of deportation. Our community will need the legal safety net that ALRP provides.
Leaving a legacy is a wonderful way to make a difference to your family, friends and the community. Everyone can leave a legacy regardless of the size of their assets, and be an angel to a person living with HIV/AIDS in their time of need. In addition to protecting assets for you and those you love, establishing your legacy now can:
¨ Provide income for you and your loved ones
¨ Memorialize a lifetime of commitment to your favorite organization(s)
¨ Support an area of passion (eg. arts, equal rights, HIV/AIDS)
¨ Reflect your life’s work, your values, and your commitments
¨ Leave a permanent mark in the community, or on the world
How to include ALRP in your will…
Many of ALRP’s supporters make charitable gifts by naming ALRP as a beneficiary in their wills. The federal government encourages these gifts or bequests, by allowing an unlimited estate tax charitable deduction. ALRP can refer you to an estate planning attorney.
How to contact ALRP regarding estate information…
If you are administering an estate or trust and need more information, please contact:
Julie Doherty – Director of Development
AIDS Legal Referral Panel
1663 Mission Street, Suite 500
San Francisco, CA 94103
(415) 701-1200 ext. 301
To make a bequest to ALRP, the following language will be helpful to your lawyer:
I give, devise, and bequeath to the AIDS Legal Referral Panel (ALRP) for the sum of _______ (or otherwise describe the gift or specify a percentage of the estate).
There are three ways you can make a bequest:
Specific Bequest
You designate a specific dollar amount, specific percentage, or specific property to ALRP.
Residual Bequest
Your estate will pay all debts, taxes, expenses, and specific bequests. The remaining amount–the residue–will be transferred to ALRP.
Contingent Bequest
You can ask that ALRP receive all or a portion of your estate only under certain circumstances. For example, you can name ALRP as a beneficiary of your estate only if there are no surviving close family members. Childless couples sometimes provide for the entire estate to go to the surviving spouse, or if the spouse does not survive, to ALRP.
If you include(d) ALRP in your estate plans, you automatically become a member of the ALRP Angels Legacy Society, which acknowledges those who have honored us with this special commitment. Our current members include:
John AcMoody, David Anderson & Edwin Mah
Doug Beechen
Thomas R. Burns
Brandy E. Christensen
Greg Curatolo
Mark A. Delgado
Jonathan A. Funk
Matthew Gray & David Groff
Michael Helquist
Hailey R. Hibler & Vakhid Shimanski
Bill Hirsh & Thompson Chambers
Leonard Maran
Jim McBride & John Williams
Robert Millar & Mario Guariso
Michael Sporn & Mark Gorman
Robert Marshall Walker
Jeffrey Wilcox
Carl Wolf
If you have already made a plan to give to ALRP in your will or estate plan, please contact Julie Doherty at (415) 701-1200 ext. 301 or We want to do our best to acknowledge your commitment and generosity, keep you informed as to how your gift will be used, and provide you with an opportunity to tell us of your wishes. THANK YOU.