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ALRP Updates

Thank you for joining us!

We are so grateful for the 250+ supporters who joined us last Thursday, October 24, to celebrate ALRP’s 41st Anniversary Annual Reception.

ALRP Receives Glowing State Bar Report

Earlier this year, The State Bar of California conducted an audit to determine if ALRP is in compliance with the American Bar Association’s Standards for the Provision of Civil Legal Aid and the various requirements included in our grant agreements with The State Bar. We recently received The State Bar’s audit report, and it included some glowing findings about the strengths of ALRP. We wanted to share some of those with you!

Let’s Stop Slandering San Francisco Non-Profits

In recent months, local media and some politicians have been promoting the myth that nonprofits receiving grants from the City of San Francisco are mismanaged, bloated, inefficient, and “mired in scandal.” Sadly, this myth—and it is a myth—is taking hold in the public conscience.

Meet Michael Rooney, our Attorney of the Year

Michael Rooney joined ALRP as a Panel Attorney in 2007 and has accepted 36 referrals since that time, often going above and beyond to support clients on multiple matters.

Ensuring Long-Term Care for James

"James"—an elderly client living with HIV/AIDS—had been waiting several years to secure a bed in a long-term care facility. When one finally became available, however, he had to quickly provide various legal documents, including a power of attorney and an advance health care directive, or risk losing his slot.

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