A Fresh Start for Ebony
June 21, 2022
Though long-time ALRP client Ebony resided in a supportive housing building, she did not feel supported there. Rather, she experienced ongoing identity-based discrimination, privacy violations, and harassment at the hands of other residents and staff alike.
ALRP’s HCAP Attorney Stephen Spano advocated for her to get a room with her own bathroom to address some of these concerns. However, although that request was technically granted, in practice all that meant was that the building’s management placed her at the bottom of a never-ending waitlist—and nothing changed.
So, Stephen advocated with anyone who would listen, escalating the need to multiple government agencies, including the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development. Finally, after over two years of persistent advocacy, ALRP was able to secure Ebony a long-term, deep housing subsidy in a building where she can have a private bathroom and other necessary services and amenities. In addition, ALRP was able to secure practical support for Ebony’s move so she could have a fresh start.

Ebony and Stephen on move-in day
Since her move to her new building, Ebony and Stephen have continued to build a long-term, trusting relationship, meeting regularly to identify and address any legal and adjacent needs that arise—from being connected to emergency financial support and employment development opportunities, to mediating a relationship with an intransigent medical provider. This relationship-building, too, is a key component of the HCAP program.