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We cannot begin to tell you how appreciative we are for all of the work Kai and Nika did for us, and we are thrilled with the level of expertise we received from them! They are both amazing women.

ALRP clients Terry and Russell

ALRP clients Terry and Russell

When Terry and Russell signed the lease on their rent-controlled apartment in 2001, their unit included on-site laundry facilities and an intercom system with a remote front door lock feature, both of which made the unit more appealing to them as renters. However, by 2019, these services were no longer available, even as rent continued to increase. Their landlord had closed their on-site laundry, and the intercom’s lock feature was disabled.

The lack of these services forced Terry to take their laundry to a local laundromat—a challenging task due to her age and arthritis. Additionally, the disabled intercom system meant that Terry and Russell had to go up and down the stairs to let people in, causing further strain and raising serious concerns about emergency access.

Determined to hold their landlord accountable, Terry and Russell sought assistance from ALRP. Staff Attorney Kai Shintani and Staff Advocate Nika Nikanorov helped them file a Tenant Petition with the San Francisco Rent Board. Just before the hearing, the landlord agreed to negotiate, and Kai and Nika successfully secured a settlement agreement.

As a result, Terry and Russell will receive an $8,000 rent credit for the loss of services and a monthly rent reduction of $180 until the services are restored.