Survey on LGBT/HIV Government Misconduct
ALRP clients and Panel attorneys, please take Lambda Legal’s short survey on LGBT/HIV contact with police, prison, courts, and schools.
Whether your experiences have been positive, negative or mediocre, your input will help Lambda Legal capture the full scope of the LGBT/HIV community.
This is a survey about government conduct and misconduct. Lambda Legal is collecting information about how certain government institutions in the U.S. interact with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ) people and those living with HIV. The government institutions this survey asks about are police departments, prisons, courts and schools.
The surveys we collect will help shape Lambda Legal’s future work to advocate for the rights of LGBTQ people and people living with HIV. They will also provide important information for our entire community so we can better address the problems we face. We hope to collect information from a large and very diverse sample of LGBTQ and HIV-affected communities. By completing this survey, you will help make sure the voices of the entire community is heard.
ALRP clients and Panel attorneys, take the survey here:
The survey is also available in Spanish: