MCLE Training: Navigating Employment Law & HIV/AIDS

March 16, 2017
5:30pm - 7:00pm
San Francisco Bar Association Board Room

Navigating Employment Law Issues Impacting People Living with HIV/AIDS
Sponsored by the State Bar’s Labor & Employment Law Section

  • Thursday, March 16, 5:30-7:00pm
  • Presented by Emily Thiagaraj, Esq. (Kosinski and Thiagaraj LLP – and Emily Nugent, Esq. (Dickson Geesman LLP –
  • Bar Association of San Francisco, 301 Battery Street, 3rd Floor, Board Room, San Francisco, CA 94111
  • 1.5 General CLE Credits
  • Overview: This training will cover employment issues facing employees living with HIV/AIDS, with a particular focus on reasonable accommodations, medical leaves, and some of the practical issues (such as privacy concerns) that arise when employees need accommodations.


This is a free training open to all attorneys, paralegals, law students, and those interested in the legal field. We hope to see you there!

To sign up e-mail MCLE@ALRP.ORG


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