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ALRP Executive Director Bill Hirsh will be speaking in a "Twenty First Century Discussion on Battling the AIDS/HIV Epidemic" on Friday, August 21 from 10am-1pm.

This hearing is organized by the Assembly Select Committee on Infectious Diseases in High Risk Disadvantaged Communities.  It has been designed to provide the Legislature with a comprehensive and informational discussion on existing barriers to battling the HIV/AIDS epidemic, as well as allow the Legislature to explore and publicize state-of-the-art approaches to responding to infections within various communities and develop a proposal for California to address the multidimensional needs in these communities.

Bill is scheduled to speak at the 3rd Panel to offer his expertise on the state of HIV and housing.  Other topics for the hearing include an overview of the California system of care and prevention, San Francisco's "Getting to Zero" effort, how HIV affects specific ethnic groups, PrEP, and the criminalization of HIV.